MSR Blogs
#1 : Our responsibility
I think in this unpredictable world where each & every day new things are coming up, be it corona new mutant or anything else, we need to realize the fact that we all can fight this as one.
After the first wave of corona virus, we were blaming , cursing China for this pandemic that they have put us in this state and the whole world is suffering due to them,
We really were able to ditch the first wave as we were consiously putting each and every step like a tortoise. But what happened to us now?????????People are taking this situation as normal cold, since most of the people in India managed to ditch the first wave that doesn't mean this virus is being taken care of.
We need to understand that this Virus is here to stay, we need to accommodate this bloody asshole virus. Also, we must understand that the difference between a vaccine and a medicine, vaccine only helps to makes one immune for the time being, the virus still stands, only medicine helps to kill the bacteria or viruses which in case of Corona, we are far behind.
So people, we need to make many adjustments in our daily routine, by not fearing but by keeping ourselves aware that its in here and acknowledge this problem as deal with it.
Now, coming to the current outbreak of corona virus in India again, for this we need to understand that during March, April in India, transitioning of weather takes place, its like cusp , winter is off the charts completely and summers are taking over the environment; So, generally during this transitioning time, many people face cold, fever, body aches etc, but now this cold blended with existing cold diseases and end up creating the the new mutant i think.
So, In order to save ourselves from this blended virus, we need to save ourselves from catching the cold.
so, just:->
wear the mask
follow the social distances
wash your hands
avoid unnecessary take outs